Do I need my Powersaves license key to use my device? If you already have an account on Codejunkies please complete the "I already have an account section". Q: How do I register my license key? Verify that you have an active internet connection.

I don't want to buy them, but I want the special lycanroc, so if this thing pulls through and it gets added, I will be more than happy, otherwise, it just goes from 11/10 to 10/10, still a fantastic product. Now I just hope it gets updated as new games come out, like the stupid new "ultra" sun and moon. I only wish it worked with digital game copies, since I bought digitally before knowing this existed. It works perfectly and I have no issues with it whatsoever. I was nervous about buying it but I'm really glad I did. I'm just a casual pleb and didn't want to grind out eggs for 200 different pokemon. It was well worth the money just to have my shiny checklist completed, let alone the rest of the stuff I got in my game from it. I had a huge list of pokemon I wanted, hundreds, some I never thought I'd get, like the Japan exclusive ash hat pikachu, but thanks to this, I got every last pokemon I wanted, and more. The only game I have a physical copy of is Pokemon Sun, and the PowerSaves Pro is amazing with it.